Sunday, November 29, 2009

Unexpected Treasure

I was on my way home from errands yesterday, and fortuitously decided to stop at the public library. Having just played an Egyptian game the night before, and expecting to play another, I was amazed to find the book shown above on the "withdrawn, for sale" shelf for 50 cents. I'm not sure whether I'd use some of the colors shown, but the artist's renderings of an Egyptian camp and fortresses were certainly worth half the price of a candy bar...

If you keep your eyes open, you never know what you might find. (-:

Into Battle, Again

Inspired by the lack of success in the previous battle, and, more practically, by the fact that my son has to go back to school today, we did a reprise of the Egyptian/Hittite encounter on the same terrain last night. Here you can see the Sea People in action against a group of Hittite spearmen. We are using Warhammer Ancient Battles with house modifications to deal with multiple figure bases; these are still evolving. Tokens (unsightly, but as unobtrusive a color as I could find for this ground cloth) represent casualties.

The results were more satisfactory, from my point of view, although we were both set scrambling back to the painting table to provide dismounted versions of our generals, so that when their chariot is destroyed next time, they are not also removed (per the rules.)

When we were finished with the game, I had the not unusual experience of being ready to sit down with a brush and add some color to something. The project at the front of the bench was a squadron of semi-flat cavalry for Charge!, but more of that later...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Into Battle

As depicted here, this unit of 16 Sea People of the 13th century BC is not quite ready for battle. They were completed yesterday, which allowed me to use them in a game with my son and his Hittites.

Unfortunately, they seem to follow the wargame rule that says that new units will be effective in an inverse proportion to the amount of time spent painting them, and their fate was to flee ignominiously. Ah well, at least I enjoyed painting them...